Thursday, July 24, 2014

Circus Birthday Party

Okay, I am trying to catch up on past fun stuff I've done before I start blogging current fun projects. This was Kenna's 2nd birthday party and we went all out on circus decor. Looking back I regret not taking more photos of every item, because there were some cool little details that I missed documenting.
The cake. I definitely learned a lot doing this cake and what not to do! Little details like the peanuts, popcorn containers for "treat bags" and big carnival suckers all brought together my circus theme.

My beautiful birthday girl.

Homemade circus tissue pompoms - from dollar store tissue paper! I should have a blog post on how to make them because people spend a lot of money on prepackaged ones and it's kind of a rip off and a half! Some ideas in this photo - circus labels for bottles of pop, circus animal suckers for cupcake toppers, a jar of gumballs/lemon heads, circus tent cupcake holders, clown noses and glasses for party guests to wear, boxes of circus animal crackers for the kids to take home and colorful balloons!
Her banner was my favorite, it was hard to get a good photo with the lighting in the house though.
Her clown photo stand-in was a hoot! People enjoyed taking photos in it.

Then, this happened. It was totally my fault. I had grand ideas of her Daddy dressing up as a fun clown and having fun with the kids. Well, the colored makeup we bought (like the red for big clown lips) did not show up on that vampire white makeup. He ended up looking like a very scary clown and little miss Makenna wanted nothing to do with him. My friend asked who planned the horror story for her birthday party. Luckily it's something we can look back on and laugh about. Ooopsies :)

Our creepy family clown picture! I would forgo those glasses, we all look a little silly! If we smiled,our noses would fall off so we all look very serious. Makenna's excuse was having to stand next to that scary clown!

A happy birthday girl enjoying her gifts.

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