Thursday, July 24, 2014

Circus Birthday Party

Okay, I am trying to catch up on past fun stuff I've done before I start blogging current fun projects. This was Kenna's 2nd birthday party and we went all out on circus decor. Looking back I regret not taking more photos of every item, because there were some cool little details that I missed documenting.
The cake. I definitely learned a lot doing this cake and what not to do! Little details like the peanuts, popcorn containers for "treat bags" and big carnival suckers all brought together my circus theme.

My beautiful birthday girl.

Homemade circus tissue pompoms - from dollar store tissue paper! I should have a blog post on how to make them because people spend a lot of money on prepackaged ones and it's kind of a rip off and a half! Some ideas in this photo - circus labels for bottles of pop, circus animal suckers for cupcake toppers, a jar of gumballs/lemon heads, circus tent cupcake holders, clown noses and glasses for party guests to wear, boxes of circus animal crackers for the kids to take home and colorful balloons!
Her banner was my favorite, it was hard to get a good photo with the lighting in the house though.
Her clown photo stand-in was a hoot! People enjoyed taking photos in it.

Then, this happened. It was totally my fault. I had grand ideas of her Daddy dressing up as a fun clown and having fun with the kids. Well, the colored makeup we bought (like the red for big clown lips) did not show up on that vampire white makeup. He ended up looking like a very scary clown and little miss Makenna wanted nothing to do with him. My friend asked who planned the horror story for her birthday party. Luckily it's something we can look back on and laugh about. Ooopsies :)

Our creepy family clown picture! I would forgo those glasses, we all look a little silly! If we smiled,our noses would fall off so we all look very serious. Makenna's excuse was having to stand next to that scary clown!

A happy birthday girl enjoying her gifts.


 One day I dream of going to pastry school, opening up my own cake shop and learning professional cake techniques. I'm still a newbie at cakes and have so much to learn. I've taught myself how to work with fondant, it's much like working with play-doh really. If I don't know how to do a certain technique, I youtube it. Here are a few of my cakes from the past couple years. I mostly do them for my children's birthdays as they take quite a bit of time to make and I work full-time.

Dora the Explorer


Monster High

Hello Kitty. Notice Jesus praising it in the background LOL

Minnie Mouse smash cake

Minnie Mouse

Ninja Turtle

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Trevor's Turtley Awesome 6th Birthday Party

As August comes around this year, I can't help but reminisce to Trevor's last birthday party. It was turtley awesome. It started with this invite:

I drew Michaelangelo, Leonardo and Donatello on the pavement using regular ol sidewalk chalk, then had Trevor lay down with them and then started snapping away. When I edited the picture, I lowered the brightness and #turnedup the contrast to make the the turtles pop against the pavement. It turned out way better than I envisioned it in my head. I am a sidewalk chalk freak! You can make the cutest pictures using it!
Next up is his turtley awesome cake (yes, I am going to keep using that phrase). I was inspired by a cake I saw online but made it into my own. The cake is something I start planning weeks in advance and the day before the party I am usually running around frantically trying to get everything ready for the party and finishing the cake. I think I stayed up until 1 or 2 am to finish decorating this the night (or morning of) before his party. I'll do anything to make their birthday a day to remember. I thought this turned out pretty dang cute! Most importantly, he thought it was awesome!

Here is my handsome, cool 6 year old! With a TMNT shirt and nunchucks of course!

 I couldn't quite get a good picture of the banner because of the lovely wind, but here it is!
These are some ninja turtle treats. Each turtle had it's own color of treat. I could not find blue or purple candy without ordering something online and I ran out of time to do that before the party. I was just going to rock Raphael and Michelangelo's treat colors but a party guest graciously brought purple taffy and vanilla tootsie rolls! Everything came together great. Oh and the "sewer lid" oreos with green mint filling was a great touch too.

Turtley awesome lanterns! Again, these were going crazy with the wind and were never all facing the same direction. This decor would be best used to decorate an inside party.

Treat bags! Also, on the side I had bought all of the ninja turtle's eye pieces and their weapons (part of his bday present) for party guests to dress like a ninja turtle and snap a picture.

Pinata time!

All of the kids had dibs on a different turtle head! You'll notice in the background we had pizza for lunch. What kind of ninja turtle party doesn't have pizza?

Annnd I hope you had a turtley great time reading this ninja turtle birthday party blog!! :)